[Time-Management] Here's a sample of the feedback!




It's fantastic and extremely motivating. I read them daily first thing when am travelling to work. Perfect for a good start to a day.

Pls continue mailing.

Sona Olikara


Without saying it goes, your news letters are very much read and I forward them regularly to my team of 40. Keep on going with the good work and God bless you and your family.

Jayaprakash, Sivakani


I had subscribed to your news letter only before 5 months after a recommendation from my colleague. Your mails are thought provoking and always provide food for thought and gives lessons of leadership, management and various other aspects of life. In fact I make it a point to read your mail first in the morning after reaching office. Please keep up your good work and it will definitely help many.

S.Abdulla Khan


In early days religion and god was created by man to make the humans more civilized and disciplined and in the modern era there is no time to go to religious speeches or even to temples or personality development courses etc.., so I can say `Arise Awake' serves the modern community to maintain their self discipline…in the best possible way…


To be self disciplined is very very difficult, after reading Arise and awake even if 5% of people who say they got benefited, can be considered as an Himalayan success to NCS.


In short Arise and Awake can be termed as Service to the community (free of cost), thought provoking, Simple, Divine words, reaches the bottom of our heart, but in practical could not follow suggestion that are given..(but need to put our sincere effort to follow the methods suggested by NCS).


Vivek V.


Thanks for the learning from your daily newsletters. You must recall me Batch II Student-`Become the Best' (Nov 2005) from TAFE, I was at HR then.

All the best for your future endeavors too.



I love it Sridharan and my day is not complete if I don't read your article...

and I think I am reading it from several years when your subject was "Celebration Called Life" and like to Thank you from bottom of my heart....

Rajat Jain


Thanks for the mails received by you,

As a matter of fact reading, Arise Awake and Take charge along with a cup of steaming coffee has become a habit.

Some of the articles really motivate us and this keeps us going even on a bad day (even when we get an earful from our Bosses)



My day at the office starts with the opening and reading of your mail and a few minutes spent on mental churning of the message & digesting the same. Over the past one year I have been immensely enriched by your daily newsletter, received as a generous extension of your TM training.

I also realize that knowing is knowing and doing is doing and I make a resolve to apply your messages in my daily life.

Thank you very much for your selfless service.



The messages are very short but impressive. Many things have improved in my day to day life by reading your mails. Thank you for your service and pray god to keep you and your family in good health, wealth, peace and all the good things you want to achieve.



I have started receiving your mail quite recently.    It has become habit for me to read your mail before starting my office routines.  They are very informative/motivational.  Moreover they mould some good qualities, no doubt on this.     It enables the reader to set their minds to face challenges with courage which is more important.    I had once attended your session when I was working in erstwhile Pond's India Ltd which was taken over by Hindustan Lever.    Now I am living in UAE working with Dabur.    I keep forwarding to few of my friends.   


In a way, you are doing a silent Service to the Society for its nourishment and development.    Please keep continuing your Service.


Only thing is that I do not get this circular regularly.  Approximately weekly 2 or 3 days I get this.   If you can do something to ensure that it is delivered on daily basis that will be great.



I am a regular reader of your "Arise, awake Feedback" emails. Yours is the first mail I open in the morning as soon as I come to the office. It is not only useful but also very interesting. I found your messages very relevant in today's context. They do not take much of our time but at the same time, it has good impact on us.  Many times I forward your email to the people who are near and dear. I also use your messages in some of the lectures I give. It is amazing you do all these for nothing in return.

R Balasubramanian


I am regular reader of your news letters since November 2010. I must confess that I have found positive change in me due to your motivational and informative, logical and powerful mails. I have also ordered your book "The Gift of Time" hopefully it will reach me by this weekend.

Syed Ahsan Mujtaba


Thanks for sharing wonderful thoughts / information / knowledge to us every day.

It is really very useful to us and I do practice / realise most of your news letter information in real life situations. My morning starts with your news letter (I may call it as guide) most of the times.  In fact, I have asked some of my friends also to enroll for this news letter.

 Please keep doing this Good work. May god give you all the resources and health to continue this social service?

Sivaramakrishnan P


I have been going through the email newsletters find them motivating. They help me to energize myself and my colleagues at the time of pressures, things are not going right. Hope to continue to receive them in the future.

Prabhakar Shettigar M


I am your Fan, I have attended your Time Management Programme.

Your Programme changed My Life and Your News Letter monitoring.

Wish you all the Best continue Your Good Service to the Man Kind.



I am regularly receiving your Email Newsletter and make a point to ready it before I start my work. It's worth reading & Interesting. I appreciate your efforts and wish you a good health, wisdom etc. Always.

Thomas Coelho


You are asking us whether your messages are `Useful and interesting'.

I think they are understatements. Your messages are `Powerful & Life-changers'. I have been benefitted a lot. I look forward to your mail everyday with great eagerness.

Mukunda Gopal. N



I have been getting newsletter from you everyday which is quite useful. In fact I start my

day (how much ever it may be a busy day) post reading your newsletter as sometimes it may be carrying the solution for the problem which I had to handle that day.

Quite useful. In fact I have recommended to few of my friends also.

Sudha kannan


God can not be at every place to teach us day to day do's and don'ts. So I assume he lives in wonderful person like you and keep us awaked. Please keep doing this great work and help people like me awaked. How about some time have an open web forum by throwing a thought and let our group fight to prove their perspective right??? It may give all of us an opportunity to flush out our stinking pre-notions!!!

We are all in transitional period of society and technology has taken grasp of our mental peace. Do right something for keeping a good balance in midst!!!

Please tell me anything I can do to keep this movement alive!!

C.A. Kothari


Thanks for your articles I find them very valuable and inspire me a lot. At times, it is like u have written because you are acquainted to my particular situation and then just bring issues in that line precisely.  Action to what you suggest occasionally I get challenged but I appreciate your work and one day I will be there. I have done well promoted at work and awarded a prize for outstanding performance but yet exams I get unfavouarable feedback. This is success about the award is attributed to your' daily jobs'!!! to some extent.

Israel chikalipa


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