[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


24th June 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Do you complain `I have no time'? If so, you are lying! Isn't true that all of us have same supply of time, irrespective of our social difference? So, it is not true that you did not have time. May be you do not know where your time is going. Any resource should be budged and accounted carefully. Time is the most valuable of all the resources. You should know where and how you spend your time.

Do this exercise for the next ten days. Log all your activities in a time logging sheet. Record all you do during every 30 minutes from the time you get up till you sleep. Do this very sincerely and honestly. You don't have to show this to anyone.

At the end of ten days, study the entries and critically evaluate if you spend your time intelligently. Find out those activities which you need not have done, which you could have postponed, which you could have delegated, those on which you could have spend less time etc. You will hit a treasure chest!

Do this logging from today!

N C Sridharan



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