[Time-Management] IGNITE Your Life!



A One Day Life Transforming Seminar to Unleash Your Hidden Power!


We buy a computer. May be a costly computer assembled with great care under the latest technology. But what is the use if the software is not loaded on the computer?


Or, even if the software is loaded, what is the use if we don't understand how to operate the computer and what command to give and how to give the same?


Same is the situation with respect to the human system.


Our brain is a most sensitive and powerful computer, assembled with most precision parts with great care by the Almighty! But the software is our `mind'. If we don't know what to do with our mind and how to use our mind to direct our brain power, what is the use?


Biologically all of us are created equally with the same configuration of the brain matter. We differ only in the way we use our brain. This is the `mind function'.


The one day life transforming event `IGNITE' will show you how to `programme' your mind so that you can use the infinite capacity of your brain to climb astonishingly breadth taking heights in your life.



For more details, send your enquiry to:




N C Sridharan



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