[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


30th June 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Day 6

All of us get ideas. Successful people notice an idea, focus their attention, think about it and arrive at a strategy to give shape to the same. Most of us allow an idea to squelch like a water bubble. J K Rowling got the idea to write a book when she was travelling in a train from London to Manchester. Look what she has done with Harry Potter series of books!

From today carry a small pocket book. You can name it anything such as `My Idea Book', `My Future Book' etc. Whenever you get an idea, just note it down. It is like rainwater harvesting. Once in every week browse through the idea book. Categorise them into three categories crazy ideas, probable ideas and possible ideas. Crazy ideas are those which cannot be put into action. Probable ideas are those which have some potential for implementation. Possible ideas offer more scope to work on. Every month you can have what is called `idea of the month' and work out a detailed plan of action. You may end up with `idea of the year'!

Start with today!

N C Sridharan



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