[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st June 2011

Our external behaviour is not merely external!

`Attitude is a little thing which makes big difference'

Winston Churchill

Next time when you watch a Wimbledon player playing, notice how he plays. Watch how an ace cricketer executes a shot. Similarly watch your favourite artist performing. They are paid a very high salary. Every unit of their time has a commercial value.

We are paid to produce a specific outcome and that is possible only if we act in a particular way. We have to do some specific actions to produce results. It is the result that has the commercial value and not merely the actions. For example a tennis player has to win the trophy and the cricketer should score a run. The stage artist should impress the audience.

For doing this we need two important traits in us – attitude and passion. If we do not have these two things, we will not build up the skill and tact to perform what we are entrusted to perform. Last evening I was stunned by a very famous comedian explaining how he practiced to mimic a hundred popular actors during his college days. A few days ago I read an interview of Sachin Tendulkar where he has said that he would get up in the midnight and drink lot of water so that he is very fit during the day. These people also work very hard. They practice tirelessly. If you see the typical daily schedule of world class personalities, you will know how disciplined they are. They have absolute control on their five senses.

It is this factor which decides their external behaviours. We can also copy their external behaviour for a few days. But to sustain the same we need passion and attitude. These people are not valued for what they do, but for what makes them to do what they do – their passion and attitude.

Our external behaviour is not merely external!

N C Sridharan



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