[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


10th June 2011

What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.
Antoine de Saint

Small is beautiful; small changes are easy to implement; it's is easy to build and maintain a small house; it's easy to teach a small child; it's easy to correct a small mistake, and it's to take a small step. Change is permanent and lot of changes are taking place whether we like it or not. If we don't change, it means we are perishing. An organisation which does not change its products and strategy will die over a period of time.  

We also have to bring about changes in our life and behavioural pattern. We have to change our habits and traits. The problem is the fact that we want to bring about huge changes. We want to bring about paradigm shifts in us. Paradigm shifts are a result of small changes carried out systematically. We cannot change anything overnight if the change is huge.

For example, we may not be happy with some of our habits. We may be lazy, we may be procrastinating; we may be overeating; we may over sleep; we may be short tempered; we may be disorganized. We may want to change them, but we cannot change all of them overnight. We need to be kind to ourselves. We should understand that all these did not happen overnight and what did not happen overnight cannot be removed overnight!

May be you can have a strategy like this:

  • I want to overcome overeating: I will say `no' to my favourite dish one day in a month.
  • I over sleep: I want to get up ten minutes earlier, just one day a week.
  • I am disorganized: I want to clean my work table this week.
  • I ignore my health and fitness: I want to walk five minutes tomorrow morning.

Try these small first steps and see what happens to your life style!

N C Sridharan



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