[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


28th June 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Day 4

Anything which is invisible cannot be noticed. What cannot be noticed cannot be tracked and measured. Time is an invisible resource. You will not notice it passing. Time will slip through your fingers like fine sand! You will start the day with a full supply of this resource, but end up with the universal excuse `no time'!

You have to set a time frame for every activity and stick to it. Time frame means fixing a start time and end time. For example: reading newspaper from 6.30 am to 7.00 am; telephone colleague from .... to ...am. By doing this you will fall into a time discipline. It's not about becoming a `time nut', but about becoming disciplined.

Today procure a timer. It could even be your mobile phone if it has that facility. If not, buy one from a sports shop. Next time when you have to start an event such as a meeting, fix the start time and end time and stick it. You can have a buffer, but stick it. Follow this for a week and notice what happens to your time consciousness!

N C Sridharan



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