[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th June 2011


Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding.
Louis Gerstner
Tooling and personal productivity...

My gardener is sick and has not been attending work for the past few days. One of his duties is to pluck flowers and give to me for prayer. So I do this myself. But I noticed that he was able to procure more flowers from the same plants and trees. When I was thinking as to how he was more productive, I noticed a small rod bent on one side kept very near to the tree which yields maximum flowers. Then I realised that he was using the rod to reach out to the flowers which were out of his normal reach!


Simple idea!


This is what happens in our life also. We need to be producing more outcome with our available resources. In my time management programme I keep stressing the point that we need to be using our mind much more than our brain. The productivity of our mind is equally important as the productivity of our brain. Our mind is a tool to improve our output. We have to reach out to the world of opportunity by stretching our mind. Great people have done this. Within the same amount of time which is common to all of us, they are able to be even more productive.


We know the tools which are outside us. Examples are computers, cell phones, automobiles, e mail, internet, satellite television etc which enhance our productivity. We need all of them. But we should know that hundreds of years ago our forefathers produced stunning results without all these external tools. Take the monuments such as the Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, The Pisa Towers etc. Without the use of electricity, hydraulic tools and lifts they produced all these monuments. They used their mental tools effectively.  


Examples of mental tools are concentration, willpower, determination, focus, attitude, believe system etc. If we don't use these mental tools, any amount of external tools will not be able to produce optimum results. This is where great people differ from us. Great people use these mental tools as well as their external tools to their advantage.


Think for a while if you are using these mental tools effectively.


N C Sridharan



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