[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


27th June 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Day 3

I'm sure you have started logging your activities in a day. The contents of the logging for a week will give you a lot of information. But we have to analyse the data from the voluminous information. For example you should audit the quality of your day by asking such questions as: what activities I need not have done which would have saved a lot of time?

By this you will get what is called a `not to do list'. We know what is a `to do list'. A not to do list is a list of those activities which you did which ate into your time without adding any quality into your day. This is something like the role of an editor of a magazine of a movie. He cuts and removes such portion which is not required.

Tonight before going to bed you should list at least five activities which you should not have done today. Remove these from your tomorrow's to do list!

N C Sridharan



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