[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th June 2011


`Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play is free will'

Jawaharlal Nehru


In our daily life, we have to make a lot of choices. We have to take various decisions. They may be small or big. While choosing and deciding, we have to exercise our free will. If the free will is not there, we will not like the consequences of the decision. We have to take a lot of time to choose or decide. Unless and until we are convinced, we will not own the responsibility for the choice and decision.


This week I have been meeting a lot of parents and students who seek admission into higher secondary classes. Students and parents come with a specific choice and they come with a decision to join a particular subject. Sometimes the parents choose a subject and try to sell the idea to their ward. The opposite situation also happens. A student wants a particular subject and tries to convince their parents.


In such situations, I allow them enough time to take decision and encourage them to discuss the pros and cons of their decisions. The reason I follow this practice is due the fact that ultimately the student has to study for two full years and also pursue their higher studies in the same subject. If the free will is not exercised, the student will not do well even though he may be very intelligent.


In my time management seminars I try to distinguish between two approaches to change people – manipulation and modification. Manipulation is forcing our views on another by using our power, authority and emotions. Manipulation will be short lived and such changes will not last long. But modification is a result of a deliberate discussion and a process of healthy communication.


May be you can recall to your mind a decision which you took due to force and another decision which you took due to free will. Then analyse which decision you implemented with full involvement. You will understand the power of free will.


N C Sridharan



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