[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


2nd July 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Day 8

Yesterday we talked about the Right Side of the brain and I suggested an exercise. Free writing is another powerful exercise to activate your Right Side of the brain. Free writing means taking a paper and pen and just writing anything that comes to your mind spontaneously. The Right Side of the brain is spontaneous and does not think logically. Hence when you write whatever that comes to your mind, you are activating the Right Side of your brain.

Today buy a notebook. Ensure that you are not interrupted for the next fifteen minutes, open the first page, take a pen and just write whatever that comes to your mind. In the beginning, perhaps you may not write much. But continue to write. Over a period of time words will flow. Don't look for any meaning or logic while doing this. Just write. Date the page. Do it every day. After six months browse through the pages and you will notice something different!

What are you waiting for? Start today!

N C Sridharan



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