[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th June 2011


Life is a hurdle race!


Accept the challenges, so you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
George S. Patton


Next time if you happen to watch a sports event, watch the hurdle race. I always like this specific event for the basic life skills it teaches. According to me life is a hurdle race, where you have to reach your target as early as possible beating all the hurdles on the way.


In a hurdle race, the hurdles are placed not by the runner, but by others. So in our life, we have to overcome hurdles which are not our own making. We may not like hurdles, but that does not make the situation any different. Whether we like it or not, we have to face and overcome them.

In a hurdle race, the size and frequency of the hurdles are uniform for all runners. So in our life. We face the same problems which anyone will also face. God does not send a tailor made hurdle to us! If you think for a while, you will realise that the challenges we face are common to anyone.


In a hurdle race, the runner knows that there will be hurdles, and with this in mind, he practices. So in life. We have to accept that life will not be very smooth and we will have only favourable times and friendly people. With this in mind, we have to think of coping mechanisms and countermeasures to face the challenges.


In a hurdle race, the runner focuses on the finishing line, while at the same time also focuses on the hurdles so that he can jump over the same. So in life. We should keep our goal or end result in mind, while at the same time consider the various challenges we will face while working for our goals.


In a hurdle race, the bigger the hurdle, the more will be excitement when the runner ultimately wins the race. So in life. Only when you reach your goal in spite of tough challenges, you will feel excited and accomplished. You will not enjoy a success which is a cake walk.


May be you can do a small exercise: search and get a picture of a hurdle race, laminate and place it on your work table!


N C Sridharan



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