[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 58

12th September 2011

Do you disagree with others when necessary? Or, are you a `yes' man? The ability to analyze and to come to an independent decision is an important quality which will help you to succeed in life. In our daily life we will come across people who may express an opinion. If their decisions and opinions are likely to affect us in some way, we need to apply our mind and express our own opinion and views. Many of us are not assertive. We may be either submissive or aggressive.

You have to train yourself to express your own point of view if need be. Like you learnt cycling or typing, you need to learn this skill also.

One way to do this is to observe people who express a contradictory view tactfully. Start expressing your views on small issues. On major issues, you may take time and reflect on the choices you have. You may jot down your reasons why don't agree on the view expressed before expressing your point of view.

Start developing this trait in you from this week and notice your personality grow!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 57

9th September 2011

Are you a leader or a manager? There is a difference between leadership qualities and managerial abilities. While leading is an aligning function, managing is a control function. Leaders get the cooperation of others by empowering them, while managers use their power and authority and get the work done. Leaders are chosen due to their leadership qualities, while managers are appointed by others. Leaders look beyond today and have a vision and mission.

I can go on giving you all the differences.

Make it an objective to:

  1. Read a book on leadership and get to know what it means to be a leader. Stephen Covey's `Principle Centered Leadership' is an excellent book on the subject.
  2. Go to any search engine and download games and exercises to understand leadership style.
  3. Get involved in some social project and experience what it means to lead and execute a project.

In order to succeed in the long run, you have to develop leadership qualities in addition to be a good manager. It is not a choice to be a leader or a manager. You should be both.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 56

8th September 2011

The quality of our life depends on the quality of our decisions. Bad decisions affect our life. All of us capable of making good decisions, if we remember the following simple rules:

  • Decide the purpose which you want to achieve by your decision. If the purpose cannot be achieved, than your decision is wrong!
  • Do not hesitate to take unpleasant decision for the only reason that it is painful.
  • List all the choices you have and not just go after on choice due to ego or obsession.
  • Collect and analyze all the available data before deciding.
  • Use trusted friends and well wishers as `sounding board' before deciding as they may have a different perspective.
  • Listen to the `voice of dissent' since your views may not be always correct.
  • Take responsibility for your decision and implement.
  • Evaluate the result of your decision and learn from past wrong decisions .

Over this weekend, list at least three wrong decisions you have made in the past three months and check if you have considered the above points before taking those decisions.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 55

7th September 2011

How often you hurt others' feelings? You may not know every time you do so, but the concerned person will remember. In fact people may forget when they are praised, but they will never forget when they are insulted. When chocked with emotions, we may not know what we say and how we say the same. It is very difficult to build healthy relationship, but it takes only a few moments to destroy. Like a broken class, it is impossible to patch up completely.

Perhaps you can follow the following tips when you have to speak while angry:

  • It is wiser to remain silent for a few minutes before you speak out when angry.
  • Be conscious about the words you are using.
  • Count ten before you blurt out. Spoken words will not come back.
  • Resolve to be pleasant even when you are angry.
  • Recall what and how you spoke last time when you blew your top and the consequence.

It makes sense to build mental maturity to behave well when we are upset. It is part of our personality development exercise.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 54

6th September 2011

Sometimes we feel angry and irritated. It is natural. If we don't express our feelings, we will suffer `emotional constipation'! But the most important question is: how frequently and how often we feel so? It is like having fever or head ache. If we have fever very frequently, our system will break down. Similarly, if we feel angry too often, we will end up with emotional breakdown.

We have to calibrate the frequency and intensity of our negative feelings such as anger, irritation, jealousy etc, by an exercise for a week. Have some beads or coins handy. Whenever you feel angry, transfer a bead from one pocket to another. Or you can put a tally on a paper whenever you feel angry and irritated. At the end of the day, calculate the number of times you have felt angry. This is an index of your negative mental health.

We can feel happy and excited all day long and this will not affect our mental health. But negative feelings will alter our mindset and attitude.

Try this for week and notice what happens to your self-awareness index!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 53

5th September 2011

Do you know that if you can concentrate on one thing, you can concentrate on anything? The ability to concentrate is a skill which can be developed. Some people may have this skill naturally in them like some people may have a good voice. Others can develop the same.

The quality of our concentration will decide the quality of our execution. In order to accomplish any task, we need to integrate the powers of our brain and the powers of our mind. The brain power is natural. But the mind power has to be harnessed.

From today, spend at least thirty minutes every day to develop and enhance your concentration quality. Have a fixed time and a fixed place. Take any one idea or thing or mantra like Om and focus all your attention on the same. Be conscious whenever your mind wanders and bring it back to the point of concentration. Start with just five minutes and slowly go up to thirty minutes or even one hour. Unless you take efforts, your span of concentration will not improve!

We have to tame the wandering mind.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 52

2nd September 2011

One force which drives all of us into action is our passion. If we are not passionate in doing what we have undertaken to do, we will not take the maximum effort to turn out the quality that we are capable of producing. Slightest obstacles will discourage us from pursuing our project. The more we are passionate, the more we will like what we are doing. If we do not have passion, we will get irritated even with slightest setbacks. The question is how to develop passion.

Try the following:

  • Try self affirmation. Tell yourself that you love what you are doing several times a day.
  • Visualise the benefits you will derive when you complete the project.
  • Take `vitamins for the mind'. Read empowering quotations.
  • Avoid negative people who may douse your enthusiasm.
  • Seek the company of such people who will support and encourage your project.
  • Have a bench mark and a legend as your role model.
  • Get interested in the project and commit to excellence.

Try the above steps for a month and notice your passion tree grow!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 51

1st September 2011

Being in touch is an art. Many of us think of people only when we want something from someone. Driven by a personal interest, we try to remember and recall friendship. After many years of losing contact, we want to renew our relationship with others, only to seek some favour.

I have come across people who love being in touch. There was a time when we `loved people and used things to love people'. But we live in a world when people love things and use people to love things!'. In this era of electronic communication, it is very easy to remain in touch. Facilities such as Facebook make it very easy to find out our old friends.

This weekend, you can try an interesting exercise. Dig up your old photo albums and locate your school days photos. Find out how many people you are in touch with even today. Have a time bound action plan to locate all those friends.

You can start an electronic newsletter or a blog spot so that you can be in touch!

Start a small action today towards this exploration!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 50

31st Aug 2011

What are you producing in your `thought factory'? If your mind is occupied by lofty thoughts, your actions will be noble. If your mind is occupied by petty thoughts, you will end up doing ordinary things. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that the ancestor of every action is thought.

You may be sidetracked by some happenings which are not your liking or may be someone will hurt your feelings and ego. You may be emotionally hijacked. Someone may irritate you touching your hot buttons. Or a temporary failure may derail your strategic thinking and inspiration.

Come back to your normal self by saying `cancel, cancel' internally and refocus all your thoughts on your empowering goal. It is something like a road block to your destination. If your destination is exciting, you will find out how to overcome the road block. On the other hand, if your destination is not so exciting, you will be discouraged by the road block.

Resolve to bring back all your thoughts on your empowering goal! Fix your goal ten times your past achievement and notice how your thoughts work wonders for you!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 49

30th Aug 2011

If you are an instrument player or a racer, will you not compare your instrument and the vehicle with that of your competitor! These are mere external comparisons of the hardware we use to make our living or to pursue our profession, hobby etc.  

We should also compare and evaluate the basic skill set we need to be our best in our chosen field. In the era of international competition, anything which is not internationally marketable cannot continue. In order to be internationally competitive, we have to have international skill level. If you are a golfer, you should have the skill an international gofer has. If you are a writer, you should have the writing skill which an international writer has. The same applies if you are a marketing manager or a financial manager.

Today you list three basic skills which will decide your edge over others in your chosen field. Benchmark your skill with that of the legend and your own to assess the gap. Then chalk out an action plan and strategy to narrow the gap.

Do it sincerely and watch your expertise grow!

N C Sridharan



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