[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


22nd Aug 2011

Day 43

There is a difference between an isolated behaviour and a behavioural pattern which is a style. For example, you may get angry and shout at people. You may say something harsh to people. You need to know if these are isolated behaviours or it is your nature to get angry and shout at people with harsh words.

Unconsciously you are building your personality and projecting your image. Two American psychologists by name Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed a tool called Johari Window. According to their theory, there are areas about ourselves which are not known to us, but known to others. For example, we may not know that we have a pattern of using harsh words and hurt others.

Self awareness is an important trait. People may not be comfortable to give you a feedback which you may not like. From today, spend ten minutes every day to understand you, before you understand others. Check if you have any negative traits spoiling your personality and image. Try to work on one negative trait every month to eliminate the same and watch your pleasant personality grow!

N C Sridharan



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