[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 52

2nd September 2011

One force which drives all of us into action is our passion. If we are not passionate in doing what we have undertaken to do, we will not take the maximum effort to turn out the quality that we are capable of producing. Slightest obstacles will discourage us from pursuing our project. The more we are passionate, the more we will like what we are doing. If we do not have passion, we will get irritated even with slightest setbacks. The question is how to develop passion.

Try the following:

  • Try self affirmation. Tell yourself that you love what you are doing several times a day.
  • Visualise the benefits you will derive when you complete the project.
  • Take `vitamins for the mind'. Read empowering quotations.
  • Avoid negative people who may douse your enthusiasm.
  • Seek the company of such people who will support and encourage your project.
  • Have a bench mark and a legend as your role model.
  • Get interested in the project and commit to excellence.

Try the above steps for a month and notice your passion tree grow!

N C Sridharan



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