[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 53

5th September 2011

Do you know that if you can concentrate on one thing, you can concentrate on anything? The ability to concentrate is a skill which can be developed. Some people may have this skill naturally in them like some people may have a good voice. Others can develop the same.

The quality of our concentration will decide the quality of our execution. In order to accomplish any task, we need to integrate the powers of our brain and the powers of our mind. The brain power is natural. But the mind power has to be harnessed.

From today, spend at least thirty minutes every day to develop and enhance your concentration quality. Have a fixed time and a fixed place. Take any one idea or thing or mantra like Om and focus all your attention on the same. Be conscious whenever your mind wanders and bring it back to the point of concentration. Start with just five minutes and slowly go up to thirty minutes or even one hour. Unless you take efforts, your span of concentration will not improve!

We have to tame the wandering mind.

N C Sridharan



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