[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 33

8th Aug 2011

Do you complain that you don't have time? If you do, you are bluffing! All of us have equal amount of time irrespective of any social, racial or economic differences. Successful people will find time for the most important things which will make a big difference in their life. They practice delegation which is a very important managerial skill.

You cannot do everything yourself. Today, list all the activities you normally do on a typical day and analyse the same with respect to the following categories:

  1. Things which I have to do and should not be delegated.
  2. Things I should do with the help of some one.
  3. Things which others should do with my help and guidance.
  4. Things which others should do and I should not interfere.
  5. Things which need not be done at all.

After making this distinction, stick to the same for a month and notice a steep jump in your productivity! You can achieve most important things in your life!

When you delegate, you still take responsibility for the work, else it will be abdication and not delegation!

N C Sridharan



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