[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 42

19th Aug 2011

Are you a victim of `emotional hijack'?  As human beings and we have our emotions and feelings which decide our external behaviour. We have basic emotions such as happiness, sorrow, anger, jealousy, irritation etc. Our mind triggers these emotions and activates the brain to give certain commands to our five senses and we say or do something; or we don't listen to certain things; or we ignore certain things; our emotions may make us to ignore the consequences of our actions. We may regret for our actions

We should ensure that we don't fall into the emotional traps laid by someone. Watch for the following in you when your emotions are tickled:

  • What do you do when you are praised, sometimes much more than what you deserve?
  • How do you feel and what do you do when you don't receive the praise and appreciation you deserve?
  • How to you respond when someone irritates you and makes you feel angry?
  • What words do you use and how is your facial expression when your negative emotions are tickled?

Resolve not to get emotionally hijacked!

N C Sridharan



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