[Time-Management] Arise, Awake, Take Charge


Dear readers,

I do hope that you find my e mail newsletters useful. You may remember that I last year I published a book `IGNITE'  which is a compilation of 200 of my newsletters. The response to the book has been overwhelming. The entire proceeds of the book is donated to my charitable trust `Vaaname Ellai', which is into school based social work.

I am glad to inform you that I have released volume II of `IGNITE' under the title `Arise, Awake, Take Charge'.   This book contains 200 life transforming quotations and a brief discussion of the same with some daily easy to do exercise.

The book is priced at   Rs.250/- per copy  . However, I offer this book to my readers at a special price of Rs.200/- which includes the cost of packing and courier to any place in India.
I donate the proceeds of this book also to the same trust for the same cause. Every copy of this book purchased anywhere will help some child somewhere!

If you want copies of this book, please send your enquiries to: thetimefoundation@gmail.com or timeline@vsnl.com

You can also contact our office @ Phone: +91 9282159733 / +91 9791678022 (9 am to 5 pm)

I am sure you will like this book! Happy reading!

N C Sridharan

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