[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 29

2nd Aug 2011

How often do you feel irritated inside? Sometimes, often or always? Some people tell me that they experience a feeling of irritation very often. Some of them say that they feel irritated most of the time and feel angry with someone or something always.

Irritation is an important emotion and we should use it constructively as positive energy. But, if we were going to feel irritated most of the time, it will destroy our personality. Such a state of mind will make us feel restless and disturbed. With this state of mind, we will do or say something which will destroy interpersonal relationship. This internal state of mind will come out in the form of our words and actions, which will in turn irritate others. We have to stop this vicious circle.

You should to know your irritation quotient! One way is to become conscious whenever you get irritated and keep a count. You can also seek the help of your friends to observe this trait in you. Reflect the consequences of this trait on your attitude and emotional wellness.

Try this self monitoring from today!

N C Sridharan



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