[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan


Day 38

15th Aug 2011

We have to use technology to enhance our productivity without becoming a slave to technology. We should control technology not allow technology to control us. Check if you are a slave to technology:

  • Do you feel restless if you don't have your mobile for one hour?
  • Do you feel upset when the lift does not work?
  • Do you mess up your morning if your alarm does not go off at the time set?
  • Are you immobilised if there is no fuel available for your vehicle?

If the answer to the above questions is `yes', you may be a slave to technology!

Why not learn to live without technology? Refuse to be paralysed if technology lets you down. Try these simple exercises to build your self confidence:

·         Try to remember telephone numbers and dial without using the phone memory.

·         Try to do simple calculations without using a calculator to know what is four times four!

·         Don't lift your mobile phone every alternate hour.

·         Climb the stairs one day every week and don't use the lift.

Try this from today!

N C Sridharan



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