[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 30

3rd Aug 2011

How do you present yourself to others? How's your facial expression? What feelings it reflects? Isn't true that face is the index of your mind?

I have come across people who convey happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, energy etc in their face. These people electrify others by their very presence. I have also come across people who carry a depressed, sad, unhappy, irritated and diffident face. They destroy the enthusiasm of others around them. The third category is expressionless and neutral faces! When you speak to them, you will not know if they are listening to you at all!

Have you ever thought where you belong to in the above three types? Others are always noticing you. They carry an impression about you. Your facial expression conveys something very important about your internal personality. In fact your facial expression conveys how you feel inside.

Only the human beings have the rare gift of conveying something through their mere facial expression!

Form today, resolve to carry a pleasant and enthusiastic facial expression. Initially you may find it difficult. Anything is possible if you understand why you need the same!

N C Sridharan



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