[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


24th Aug 2011

                                                                        Day 45                                       

These days we hear about IQ (Intelligent Quotient), Emotional Quotient (EQ) etc. Have you thought about your `Creativity Quotient'? Lot of researchers and scholars across the world are trying to do some work on this subject. Leave out all those jargons! Are you a creative person? Do you want to be thinking differently?

A few days ago in one of my `IGNITE' seminars, a participant walked up to me and asked how to improve his creativity. Creativity is a function of the Right Side of our brain. We can trigger the Right Hemisphere through `Brain Gym' exercises. Log on to any search engines and you can get simple Brain Gym exercises. Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day doing simple Brain Gym exercises.

Become inquisitive to think creatively. Instead of following a beaten track, ask: `why should I not think this way'? Try to find an alternative solution to simple everyday problems. Read books written by Edward De Bono, who came out with the breakthrough concept called `lateral thinking'.

From today, spend at least forty five minutes per day to think differently! Let your creativity sprout!

N C Sridharan



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