[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


26th Aug 2011

Day 47

All of us have a goal. But great people have a great and ambitious goal which gives them the mental stamina and energy to work hard. Ensure that every day you have something interesting to do, every week you have a big task to complete, every month you have a big project to complete and every year you have a big goal to achieve. If the result you have to achieve is something very simple, it may not excite your mind and will not allow you to be at your best.

Your mind is very intelligent and will release only such energy which is required. If the job at hand is simple, it will allow you to engage only that much effort. An ordinary task will make us to operate from our comfort zone.

Today, before going to bed ask one simple question: did I accomplish something very important and difficult? Did I stretch my skill and talents? Did I challenge my faculties in some way to make this day meaningful?

If every day is interesting and exciting, we will have an exciting year of accomplishment!

N C Sridharan



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