[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 36

11th Aug 2011

A normal day is a day full of interruptions. But certain tasks deserve our undivided total attention. Choose a very important task which will make a huge difference in your life and give it a `VVIP Status'.

Supposing a very important person is visiting your house. Will you not take all the efforts to give him total undivided attention? You will plan your day in such a way that you allocate all the time for that person. You should do the same with reference to the most important task on hand.

Supposing you are writing a book, which you know will be a big hit. Reserve the whole day only for this task. Lock yourself in a room and write. Don't see the television, switch off the mobile phone, don't lift the landline. Do whatever. You are just not available, period! You should not speak anything else except in connection with the book. Whenever you are interrupted, say to yourself `back to work, back to work' and get back to the task.

Try this out this week and see your own improvement! You will be amazed!

N C Sridharan



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