[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 54

6th September 2011

Sometimes we feel angry and irritated. It is natural. If we don't express our feelings, we will suffer `emotional constipation'! But the most important question is: how frequently and how often we feel so? It is like having fever or head ache. If we have fever very frequently, our system will break down. Similarly, if we feel angry too often, we will end up with emotional breakdown.

We have to calibrate the frequency and intensity of our negative feelings such as anger, irritation, jealousy etc, by an exercise for a week. Have some beads or coins handy. Whenever you feel angry, transfer a bead from one pocket to another. Or you can put a tally on a paper whenever you feel angry and irritated. At the end of the day, calculate the number of times you have felt angry. This is an index of your negative mental health.

We can feel happy and excited all day long and this will not affect our mental health. But negative feelings will alter our mindset and attitude.

Try this for week and notice what happens to your self-awareness index!

N C Sridharan



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