[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 56

8th September 2011

The quality of our life depends on the quality of our decisions. Bad decisions affect our life. All of us capable of making good decisions, if we remember the following simple rules:

  • Decide the purpose which you want to achieve by your decision. If the purpose cannot be achieved, than your decision is wrong!
  • Do not hesitate to take unpleasant decision for the only reason that it is painful.
  • List all the choices you have and not just go after on choice due to ego or obsession.
  • Collect and analyze all the available data before deciding.
  • Use trusted friends and well wishers as `sounding board' before deciding as they may have a different perspective.
  • Listen to the `voice of dissent' since your views may not be always correct.
  • Take responsibility for your decision and implement.
  • Evaluate the result of your decision and learn from past wrong decisions .

Over this weekend, list at least three wrong decisions you have made in the past three months and check if you have considered the above points before taking those decisions.

N C Sridharan



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