[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


23rd Aug 2011

Day 44

A person's creditworthiness is evaluated by analysing his bank account. The more you credit and the less you debit your account, you will be creditworthy. If you are creditworthy, people will respect you.

Like a bank account, you are also building up your `personal integrity account'. Every time you promise something and carry out your promise, your personal integrity account is credited; every time you promise something and you don't carry out your promise, your personal integrity account is debited. Ultimately, your credit and debit will be balanced to evaluate your creditworthiness as a person in terms of integrity.

People evaluate you by what you say and what you do. Check for these following traits in you:

·         Do you over promise and under deliver?

·         Are you late to appointments?

·         Do you tell lies?

·         Do you fail in your commitments?

The list is only illustrative and not exhaustive. If the answer to such questions is `yes', you run the risk of damaging your personal integrity account and image!

Audit your personal integrity account periodically and take remedial action before it is too late!

N C Sridharan



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