[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


3rd January 2012

Let me explain the NLP presupposition `people have all the resources' through another simple way.

Let us say there are two identical boxes `A' and `B'. In box `A' there are red balls and box `B' has blue balls. If you put your hand in box `A' and take out a ball, it will be obviously a red ball. Even if you do it ten times, you will always get the red ball. If you want to take a blue ball, you have to access box `B'. Isn't it a common sense?

Similarly, we have a `box' of resourceful state and another `box' of un-resourceful state in our mind. If we get into an un-resourceful state of mind, it is up to us to change it by accessing our `box' of resourceful state. The principles of NLP says that it is possible by understanding how to work with our mind to do this without manipulating or forcing our mind.

If you analyse yourself, there will be things which you like and there will be other things which you will not like. For example you may like tomato sauce and you may dislike cheese. If you analyse how your mind experiences the sauce and cheese, there will be a big difference. If you make your mind to experience cheese the same way you experience sauce, you will start liking cheese the same way you like sauce!

There are simple NLP processes to do this! Sounds unbelievable and interesting? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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