[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


16th January 2012

A friend of mine is anxiously waiting for a decision from someone. The decision is very important for my friend. But the other person is remaining silent. Given the context in which the decision has to be taken and conveyed, the other person does not realise the meaning of his silence in the mind of my friend.

Later on in this series we are going to understand what is called `perceptual positions' in NLP. We have to understand the emotions of others from five positions: the self, the other, the observer, the context and the purpose. You will understand the meaning of your suspense when someone keeps you guessing on an important issue!

Recently I was addressing a group of school final students and I explained to them on the importance of `social skills'. Communication is a very critical social skill. I explained to them that what they communicate to the outside world about themselves need not be through words only. We have to understand that no matter we say, others will easily know what we mean! If others understand exactly what we mean, we are effective communicators. We have to ensure that there is congruency in what we say and what others understand. This will decide our image and our image is a very important input which will decide our success!

Keep thinking about the NLP presupposition `you cannot NOT communicate' and check if you are already communication what you don't what to communicate about yourself!

N C Sridharan



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