[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


4th January 2012

The NLP presupposition `people have all the resources' will manifest in terms of our behaviours in a specific context. I am sure you have heard of the popular saying `where there is a will, there is a way'. This is another way of understanding the issue of people having all the resources.

In a school context, I have come across students who are exceedingly good in sports. But when it comes to education, they are very poor. In fact if you analyze, winning in a game of sports calls for hard work, concentration, perseverance, planning, physical and mental discipline, time management and self motivation. These are the very same factors for doing well in education also! If the student can exhibit these qualities in winning a game in sports, the question is why is he not doing so when it comes to education? In other words, he can draw from these resources in sports, but feels bankrupt of these resources when it comes to education!

By doing simple processes, we can bring the resources to the context where it is required. This is a simple mental programming which we will learn later on in this series of newsletter!

I am also equally excited to write on this, but keep reading.

N C Sridharan



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