[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


19th January 2012

There are three time orientations – the past, the present and the future. In fact, we are `wired' to one of these three time parameters. Some of us are past oriented, some present oriented and some others future oriented.

I want to explain this by a simple, yet interesting experience in my school. One day we were discussing with some of the senior students about the school picnic. The teachers proposed some places. Here are some of the responses:

Student `A': `Oh, that's wonderful! But promise us that it will be as exciting as last year?'

Student `B': `We are excited sir. But can we make it an every year event in future also?'

Student `C': `Wow, that is very interesting and we are all looking for that great occasion. Tell us where all we are going!'

I am sure you would have correctly guessed the time orientation of the three students! We may not know. But we are wired this way. If we are predominantly past oriented, we will be living in the past even in the present. We will have the past as our reference point. If we are predominantly future oriented, we will be more and more thinking how the present is going to manifest itself in the future. If we are connected more to the present, we will be focusing more and more of what is happening here and now.

Sounds interesting? You will be even more interested to know how this aspect influences our thinking and outlook in life.

Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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