[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


25th January 2012

We need to have a sense of balance. When our balance is disturbed, we feel tensed up. We experience pressure. In this mindset, we will not be able to take any quality decision. Just imagine what will happen if one leg of a tripod is long, short or missing! This is what happens when a person lives too much in the past, present or future. We need to have all the resources, including mental resource. A well balanced and mature mind is an asset.

We have to understand if we suffer from this lack of balance. One way is to notice our thought process. We have to be conscious if we very often live in the past, the future or in future. We have to notice what we say. We can ask our friends and people who move with us. Perhaps we may not be aware of our own thinking pattern. Our own understanding may be deceptive.

We can try self affirmation statements to free ourselves of this time orientation. For example, if we are too much attached to the past, we can mentally repeat the following self affirmation statements:

  • I will succeed, irrespective of how I have fared in the past.
  • I have all the resources to rewrite my future and live my present.
  • I am mature enough to learn from my past mistakes and come up in life.

Try the above and notice the difference in your life!

N C Sridharan



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