[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


18th January 2012

I have so far tried to explain the NLP presuppositions and how the same is relevant to understand our as well as others' behaviour. I am sure you will try to recall the same as and when a situation presents itself. Like any other concept, unless related to real life situation, theories by themselves are of no use.

Now I am going to present what is called `timeline' and a little later another concept called `perceptual position'. In `time line', we have three dimensions of time, the present, the past and the future. In `perceptual position', we have again three dimensions- the self, the other and the observer. If you connect the three dimensions of time and the three dimensions of perceptual position, you will get nine combinations! We can take any life issue and look at the same from the nine points of view to understand what we have to do with reference to that issue!

The main reason why I got attracted to the NLP concept is its simplicity and the way it explains the reason behind human behaviour. As I mentioned earlier, one of the purposes of NLP is to create a mutually supportive and respectful relationship between people. This is where NLP stands out as a simple common sense approach to understand and solve some of our life issues.

In the next few newsletters, I am going to explain the time line concept of NLP.

Getting curious to know? Keep reading…

N C Sridharan



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