[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


24th January 2012

With reference to my discussion on timeline, one of the readers gave this feedback: `Your example of dress is confusing and seems incomplete, and requires more explanation to understand time context'. Since we are learning an important life skill portfolio, I would like to clarify such doubts as and when they are presented to me.

The example here is to our trait of choosing a particular dress when we have many better options. Let us say that we have a black shirt and we like that shirt for our own reasons. May be it was presented to us by our dear and dear one, or we have a sentimental attachment to that dress. Since we have a strong liking to that shirt, we will be choosing that shirt for an occasion which perhaps may not suit. In some cultures, black is a taboo.

Similarly, we may be hanging on to our past by virtue of our inner programming and for anything and everything; we will have our past as our reference point. For example, if we had failed in some of our projects, we may be afraid to launch any new project due to our trait of hangover to the past.

The same principle will work if we have special attachment the other time preferences.

NLP offers some useful processes which will help us to get away from this mindset, which may be affecting our life style.

As we go along in this series, we will be discussing more such thinking patterns.

N C Sridharan



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