[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


9th January 2012

We have been trying to understand how the mind and the brain work with each other through what are called `NLP presuppositions'. So far we have seen a few of the presuppositions.

In this newsletter we are going to understand yet another interesting presupposition `if what you are doing is not working, do something else, do anything else!'. Sounds very interesting, isn't? The whole concept of NLP is about creating `well formed outcomes' in life. In NLP we talk about a fixed `outcome frame' and a flexible `process frame'. We have to be definite about freezing the outcome we want in our life and we should not compromise on this. Suppose we want to reduce our weight by 3 kilograms in the next six months. This is called the outcome frame. We have to freeze this. That means that no matter what happens, we have to be determined to reach this outcome. The only issue open is how we are going to make it happen. This `how' is called the `process frame'.

Now read the NLP presupposition `if what you are doing is not working, do something else, do anything else'. It makes a meaning? We can have a series of alternative strategies such as jogging, yoga, walking, swimming, dieting etc. if we are not registering weight reduction as planned, then we have to `do something else, anything else!

How are we going to implement this? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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