[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


5th January 2012

One other powerful NLP presupposition is `there is no such thing as failure, only feedback'! Very simply worded, this explains the secret of successful people. Successful people do not believe that they have failed; they say that they learn from each failure. Remember what Edison said? He said he did not fail nine hundred odd times, he succeed so many times to find out which filament will not fit into his electric bulb!

NLP is about fixing an `outcome frame' and deciding an appropriate `process frame' which is the strategy. Actually this is how a computer function is understood. We don't say that the computer is bad; we only say that we don't understand how to process the information on the computer.

Long ago I was conducting a training programme in which a participant narrated an interesting story. A very famous consumer company manufacturing hair cream noticed that its cream was being smuggled and consumed in large quantity in a remote South African island. The company wanted to exploit the demand and formally launched the product in that island by hiring a leading cine star. The media advertisement portrayed the cine star taking the hair cream in his fingers and applying on his curly hair.

After this media clipping appeared on the local TV, the sales dipped. The company was surprised on this reversal and conducted a survey to find out why the product `failed'. It came out that the people were using the hair cream like a jam in their bread toast!

Now tell me: did the product launch fail? Isn't it true that the company got a feedback on its poor market intelligence?

N C Sridharan



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