[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


6th January 2012

It is one thing to `know' a concept and quite another thing to `understand' the same. Understanding comes from application and practice. For example you come to know about the principle of equilibrium. When you apply the principle of equilibrium while riding a bicycle, you understand the same.

The same is true in understanding the principles of NLP.

For example, let us take the NLP presupposition `there is no such thing as failure, only feedback'. I have explained what it means. I also elucidated the same by saying that successful people learn something from each failure.

Let me give an example from my own life. Once I applied for the distributorship of a very popular consumer product, since my family business is distribution. In the interview I made a very attractive presentation about my company and about my background. At the end of the interview I was very sure that I will get the distributorship. But I was disappointed when the company appointed someone else. I failed to get the distributorship.

After many years, when I was learning NLP with NLP Comprehensive, I analysed what feedback I got from this failure. I understood that I oversold myself and the company thought that I was too big for the business!

Can you list three failures in your life and list three feedback and lessons you learnt from each failure?

N C Sridharan



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