[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


2nd January 2012

`People have all the resources' is a very interesting and important NLP presupposition. If we understand this well, we will be able to put us in a resourceful state of mind whenever we slip into some disappointment mood due to failure.

We need internal resources to reach the outcome we need and one of the most important resources is our mental resource. The most interesting good news is that we have all the mental resources we need, and we should know how to tap into the same.

Let us take a hypothetical case. Assume that you have to reach your home at six in the evening and it is your daughter's birthday function. You leave the office in time, but on the way your vehicle breaks down. What will you do? You will seek the help of some other vehicle. Let us assume that vehicle also breaks down. You will even walk to your house. On the way there is a road block and you cannot even walk. You will take a different route even if it means more distance. After all these interruptions, you will reach your home in time and tell everyone your adventure of reaching home!

Let us now take another case. This time, you are not going home for your daughter's birthday party, but you are going for a dinner which you really don't want to go but forced to accept the dinner invitation. If on the way if you face even fifty percent of the interruption mentioned in the earlier example, what will you do? Obviously most of us will give up!

You have all the resources to reach the destination, but you will exercise your option to persevere or no decided by your mindt! This is what it means by this NLP presupposition.

Interesting? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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