[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


31st  January 2012

There is one more interesting aspect with reference to the time line concept. If you are too much attached to the present, the chances are that you may not be able to overcome temporary setbacks.

Let's say that there is a set back in business. The three sets of people, namely the past oriented, present oriented and the future oriented will respond as below:

  • Present oriented: `I don't know how to handle this', `let me speak to my friends on how to handle it', `let me explore the various dimension of this problem', `let me find out if anyone else is having this same problem now'
  • Past oriented: `what did I do in the past that I have this', `I have never had this type of a problem in the past', `this problem should not affect the reputation that I have established all these years', `let me speak to someone who have had this problem in the past'
  • Future oriented: `let me do something so that I do not have the same problem in future', `this problem should not affect my future prospects'

I am sure that by now you would have understood how the mental programme of the three types of people interprets and processes the same experience of setback!

N C Sridharan



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