[Time-Management] Mind. O My Dear Mind!



10th January 2012

Our mind is already programmed for a predetermined result like a computer and we only run the process. If we don't get the result we want, then we should not blame us! Sounds very different? Do we ever blame our computer? We try to understand why we are not able to get the desired output from the computer. We are able to distinguish between hardware problem and software problem. Before we try to get a result from a computer, we understand this basic principle of computing.

However, when it comes to human behaviour, we are confused. When we fail to get a result, we blame ourselves! We don't seem to appreciate that it is our `mental programme' which has failed. We have to appreciate that we also have hardware problems and `mindware' problems. If we are physically challenged, we are not able to walk, see, hear etc. Sometimes we are also `mentally challenged' when we don't persevere, get irritated, angry and suffer. The remedies for these two types of problems are different and we go to different people to rectify these two problems.

We need both the hardware and the software to succeed. Just because a person is well built and strong, he is not going to be the best boxer. Just because a person has a good voice, he is not going to be a good singer. Just because a person is weak and fragile, he is not going to easily give up. The life of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa are examples.

This is what the NLP presuppositions teach us. We will have to understand these simple principles and apply in life.

Keep reading.

N C Sridharan



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