[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


1st February, 2012

I want to discuss one more mental programme called `perceptual position'. We have three types of perceptual positions called – `the self', `the other', and `the observer'. We look at the various happenings around us from these positions. This aspect of our inner programme is also called `point of view'.

`The self' is the position from which we look at the world from our own point of view. All of us have our own feelings, emotions, experience, likes and dislikes. We have our own information, which may not be known to others. We may have our own logic and justifications to rationalize our behaviours and actions.

`The other' is the point of view of the person who is also involved with us in the same situation or experience. He will have his own point of view which may not be known to us. He will look at the world from his feelings, emotions, experience, likes and dislikes. He will have some information which we may not have.

In `the self' and `the other', we are attached to the problem or the situation. The third perspective is called `the observer'. This third position is the perspective of an independent observer, who is not at all connected to the situation. This position is like that of a judge who takes an independent view of the situation, which his own emotions, feelings, experience and information.

The concept of `perceptual position' in NLP is very interesting and useful and we are going to learn a lot of this from this section.

Keep reading…

N C Sridharan



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