[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


20th January 2012

How relevant is time orientation in our everyday life? Why should we worry about this aspect of our mental programming?

Let me explain this through a simple example. Supposing you have a very favourite dress which you want to wear for any occasion. There is nothing wrong in this. But what if you wear the same for any occasion regardless of the context!

This is what happens when you a have a time orientation which may be out of context. Supposing you have a strong past orientation, and if the past is not too happy, you are likely to recall the unpleasant past very often. Even of your present is very happy and joyful; you may not enjoy the same. Similarly if you are too much future oriented, you will not be able to live the happy moments the present is offering you! You will so busy planning your future that you will not have time to live today.

If you are too much connected to the present, you will not learn from the past and may not be spending enough time to plan your future.

You have to be aware of how you are internally wired and how the same is impacting your life. Once you understand this aspect of your life, it is easy to change and modify your internal programming!


N C Sridharan



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