[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


17th January 2012

We are also coming to the end of the section on NLP presuppositions which explain why we behave the way we do. In my NLP seminars I used to start with a powerful question: `why do we do what we do and why do we do the way we do it?'. At the first reading, this sentence may look confusing, but if you read the same couple of times, you will understand the real meaning behind the same. We are programmed to do in a particular way. We are also programmed not to do in a particular way. We cannot be manipulated and such manipulations will be very temporary and like a rubber band we will go back to our original state.

I would suggest that you take one NLP presupposition every day and process your experience through that and try to understand your behaviour from that perspective. NLP presuppositions are like a technical book that you get along with an electronic or electrical gadget. When the gadget does not work, you go through the book to understand why the gadget is malfunctioning. You don't blame the gadget. If you cannot understand the gadget, you take it to a person who understands the same. You trust the technology and not yourself.

The same is true with reference to our body and mind. We have to understand why our body behaves in a particular way. When the body is tired, we have to appreciate it; when the body is energetic, we have to appreciate it; when the body is lazy we have to understand it; when someone shouts at us, we have to appreciate their perspective.

These principles made you think? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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