[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


1st May 2012

Turn professional!

`You have to perform at a consistently higher level than others. That's the mark of a true professional.'
Joe Paterno

Have you heard the terms `professional writer', `professional photographer', `professional singer' etc?  What does it mean to become a professional? Why is it important to become a professional?

The main difference lies in the quality of your work. If you are an amateur photographer, you need not be at your best. At least people will not expect the best from you. They will accept your pictures even if they are not good. But if you are a professional, people expect that you know your job thoroughly and they will not accept any mistake from you.

If you are a professional, you will take your job very seriously. May be your living will depend on the work you do. You will plan everything you do very meticulously. The other day I was reading a supplement about Sachin
Tendulkar, the cricket legend. There was a mention about how meticulous he is when choosing his bat and the play equipments.

Ask yourself the question: am I am professional in my field or am I amateur? If you are a professional, take it very seriously and benchmark your quality with a legend in the field and do a `gap assessment'. If the gap is too much, you will be edged out since the world will not accept any mediocrity!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 'The Gift of Time' - Students' Offer


`The Gift of Time'

One Day NLP Based Life Transforming Seminar

May 12, 2012

Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, Creams Road Chennai

Students' Offer!

We at `The Time Foundation' are committed help the students to carve out an exciting future for them in the `India 2020'.

To help students to participate in this life transforming seminar, we offer a special students' concession!

They can attend this seminar by paying just Rs.1000/-

(as against Rs.3,000/- for others)

to cover the cost of course material and lunch.

We have ten students' seats in this seminar which will be allotted to students on `first come first served' basis.

Students can send their request to the following address with a scanned copy of their college identity card on or before 6th May 2012:

The Time Foundation


Ph: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022


Please forward this mail to as many students as possible!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] The Gift of Time - A One Day Life Transforming Event


`The Gift of Time'

`Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals genius'.
– Robin Sharma

A One Day Life Transforming Event

Unleash Your Hidden Potential 

Manage Your Time and Reach Out to Your Dreams!


Mr.N.C. Sridharan
Master Practitioner in NLP
trained by

The NLP Comprehensive,Colorado, USA

Date: 12th May,2012 (Saturday) 
: Hindustan Chamber of Commerce
Greams Dugar, 5th Floor,South Wing,
149, Greams Road,Chennai 600 006.

Timing: 9 00 am to 530 pm
(Latecomers will not be allowed)

 Realize your dreams bytapping into the Right Side of your brain


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) 

NLP is the latest state of the art technology to integrate your mind and the brain by intelligently `programming' your mind and to focus on your hidden talents.

For details, please send your queries to: thetimefoundation@gmail.com

The Time Foundation
4, III Crescent Park Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chenni 600 020.

E mail: timeline@vsnl.com ; mindline@sify.com ; thetimefoundation@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9791678022 / +91 9282159733 / +91 9894111552


Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


30th April 2012

`A really great talent finds its happiness in execution'

Johann Wolfgang von Gothe

One of the readers wanted to know how to identify one's hidden talent and I thought many of you may be interested to know the answer.

One way is to introspect and find out which activity gives you utmost happiness. Normally your natural talent will pull you to that activity. A talented writer will be writing something or other; a talented singer will be humming some song; a talented artist will be sketching something on a paper.

The second way is to check with your close friends and ask them to comment on this. They might have noticed what you haven't.

The third way is to check what you are very good at and which activity of you stands out as something very unique of yourself. You can go back in your life and check this out from your school days.

Sometimes it may happen that today you may not be doing what is very close to your talent due to various things. For example, I used to be very good in writing when I was in school, but for some strange reasons I did not write for nearly 20 years after I left the school! Only when I accidentally wrote an article for a leading national newspaper, I rediscovered my hidden talent!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] Open programme on Time Management


`Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals genius'.

– Robin Sharma


`The Gift of Time'


A One Day Life Transforming Event


Unleash Your Hidden Potential


Manage Your Time and Reach Out to Your Dreams!


Mr. N.C. Sridharan

Master Practitioner in NLP

trained by

The NLP Comprehensive, Colorado, USA


Date: 12th May, 2012 (Saturday) 
: Hindustan Chamber of Commerce

Greams Dugar, 5th Floor, South Wing,

149, Greams Road, Chennai 600 006.

Timing: 9 00 am to 5 30 pm

(Latecomers will not be allowed)


Realize your dreams by tapping into the Right Side of your brain




Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)



NLP is the latest state of the art technology to integrate your mind and the brain by intelligently `programming' your mind and to focus on your hidden talents.


For details, please send your queries to:




The Time Foundation

4, III Crescent Park Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chenni 600 020.

E mail: timeline@vsnl.com ; mindline@sify.com ; thetimefoundation@gmail.com

Phone: +91 9791678022 /             +91 9282159733       /             +91 9894111552      



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


27th April 2012

In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork

Wilson Mizner

We all have some hidden talent waiting to be tapped. But we should know where and how to use the talent. Knowing how well to use the talent that we already have is called `tact'. The dictionary meaning of the word `tact' is `sensitivity and skill in dealing with other people'. We may be talented in speaking. But what if we don't know how to use the talent when dealing with other people?


In management science there is a powerful tool called `5W 1H' which represents the first letter of the words Where, When, Why, What, Who and How. We should use this tool to tap into our hidden talent also.

For example,  if a person has talent in chess, he should ask the following questions with reference to his talent:

  • Where am I going to use my talent? On a national level or international level?
  • When am I going to play chess?
  • Why am I playing? To practice or to win a game?
  • What will be my benefits if I play chess?
  • Who are my competitors?
  • How am I going to use my expertise in chess? Do I have a strategy?

We should know how to apply our talent scientifically so that we benefit the most.

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


26th April 2012

`The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do'

Thomas Jefferson

Have you heard the adage `speech is silver, silence is gold'? It is a very good life skill to be developed. All of us have twenty four hours of time and no less no more. At the end of the day, even though we may be very busy, we may not know where exactly our time went and what we accomplished during the day.

In my time management seminars I ask the participants to identify time wasters. Most of them list issues such as long winding telephone conversations, un productive meetings, drop in visitors as the major time wasters. Our available time is dissipated and fragmented by this unproductive issue which adversely affects our personal productivity.

Our aim should be to make all the available time into productive time. We can achieve this only if we check our communication style, both verbal and written. We should train ourselves on the fine art of brief, sharp and focused communication. One way to know what this means is to watch the media commercial advertisements.

You may not know, your friends may feel embarrassed to give you a feedback on this important personality trait. It will be a good idea to record your conversations and listen to it to check if you could have been brief, short and focused.

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


25th April 2012

If you are involved, you won't feel tired!

`Tell me I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand'

Chinese Proverb

Sometimes we say that we are tired and seek rest. We should understand that there is a close relationship between tiredness and involvement. The more you are involved in what you are doing, the less you will feel tired. An excellent example is the mindset of a mother. Have you ever come across a mother who is tired of bringing up her child?

Yes, we will feel exhausted, run down, and experience bodily pain. Physically we may feel tired but we will be mentally alert if we are involved in what we are doing. Our physical response to our mental tiredness makes all the difference in our effort level. We will not give up our effort level if we are involved mentally.

We have to read the life history of great people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa etc and notice how much hard they had to work to win. During the life time of Mahatma Gandhi, he suffered imprisonment for 249 days in South Africa and 2089 days in India, which means that approximately he spent six and half years in jail in pursuit of his mission. He never felt tired of going to prison because he was involved in what he was doing!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


24th April 2012

Having talent is like having blue eyes. You don't admire a man for the colour of his eyes. I admire a man for what he does with his talent.

Michael Caine

I strongly believe that all of us have some seed of some talent or other. We have to sow it in a fertile soil, grow and harvest the result. Even for the best seed, the soil makes a big difference. We have to be at the right place with the right talent.

This Sunday morning I was in the Marina Beach, the world's one of the longest beach. People go there early morning not only to take a pleasant walk in the ozone filled fresh air, but some also go there to showcase their talent. There are vendors with their products in search of customers.

As I was in the beach, a man with a monkey came and made the monkey to dance to his tunes. The monkey did all what he told. I gave him ten rupees and he seemed to be very pleased with what I gave.

As he was moving away from me in search of his next customer, I thought how much he will earn if he can make a lion to dance to his tunes instead of a monkey! He will be in a different platform in front of a different audience earning a different reward!

Before going to bed today, ask yourself if you are in the right platform with the right skill and talent!

N C Sridharan



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