[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


6th April 2012

I still live, I still think: I still have to live, for I still have to think.
Friedrich Nietzsche

All of us think. The only difference is in the quality and content of thinking. We can hold our breath for a while and say that we stop breathing. But we cannot stop thinking. We are always thinking!

Great people are aware of what and why they are thinking about something. They decide the content of their thinking and focus all their attention on that. Others may not even be aware of what they are thinking about and allow their mind to jump from one issue to another. Successful people first think what to think about and then think! This strategy will be missing in the case of not so successful people.

Successful people set aside a specific time to think about an issue and manage the thinking as a portfolio. The not so successful people think as and how they feel comfortable.

In short, the quality of your thinking will decide the quality of your life!

Over this weekend, do a small exercise. Set aside a specific time in the day for the portfolio of thinking. It is something like the time you set aside for sleeping, eating, bathing, shaving, dressing etc.

Do this for three weeks and watch your progress!

N C Sridharan



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