[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


12th April 2012

`Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious'

Bill Meyer

There is a quotation of Ralph Waldo Emerson `The ancestor for every action is a thought' and I like the deep meaning behind this thought. Thoughts are the seeds and actions the result. As the seed, so will be the tree.  Similarly, as our thoughts, so will be our actions.

We don't notice many thoughts that cross our mind and many of us don't know how to work with our thoughts. Successful people tactfully convert every thought into a some product of some value to others. The Write Brothers thought of flying and pursued the thought process and the result is the airplane. When Graham Bell thought of speaking through a wire, everyone thought he was mad. But his thought produced the telephone!

The difference between richness and poverty is not the brain power, but the richness of the thought. We have to improve the quality of our thinking and allow rich thoughts to occupy our mind. We have to remove disempowering thoughts and allow empowering thoughts to occupy their place.  

One time tested way to cleanse our mind encourage healthy thoughts is through meditation. The best time to practice meditation is the early morning when we have rested fully and the air is filled with rich Ozone.

May be I will present some ideas and practical tips on meditation in these newsletters.

N C Sridharan



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