[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


26th April 2012

`The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do'

Thomas Jefferson

Have you heard the adage `speech is silver, silence is gold'? It is a very good life skill to be developed. All of us have twenty four hours of time and no less no more. At the end of the day, even though we may be very busy, we may not know where exactly our time went and what we accomplished during the day.

In my time management seminars I ask the participants to identify time wasters. Most of them list issues such as long winding telephone conversations, un productive meetings, drop in visitors as the major time wasters. Our available time is dissipated and fragmented by this unproductive issue which adversely affects our personal productivity.

Our aim should be to make all the available time into productive time. We can achieve this only if we check our communication style, both verbal and written. We should train ourselves on the fine art of brief, sharp and focused communication. One way to know what this means is to watch the media commercial advertisements.

You may not know, your friends may feel embarrassed to give you a feedback on this important personality trait. It will be a good idea to record your conversations and listen to it to check if you could have been brief, short and focused.

N C Sridharan



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