[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


5th April 2012

`Wisdom consists of the anticipation and consequences'

Norman Cousins

We should be confident and optimistic about our own abilities to exercise control over others. At the same time, we should not become over confident and take others for granted. We have to exercise intelligent cautiousness. A little bit of anticipation will prevent lot of tension.

I read somewhere an interesting information about how tiger trainers approach the tigers. They know that tigers are unpredictable, and they adapt their approach while moving with them. They don't give tigers live animals so that the tigers do not enjoy the act of killing. The trainers also do not give them whole carcasses so that they don't get excited by tearing it apart. A tiger trainer will be very careful to understand the mood and the attitude of the tiger they train.

This simple common sense principle also applies while dealing with human beings. Some people may be unpredictable. They may have certain negative traits which may be dangerous. They may not be cooperative with us. Yet we have to deal with them. In such situations, we have to be smart and intelligent in dealing with them. 

In my management seminars I repeatedly say that the higher up you go in an organization, you will have to deal with people issues more than technical issues and you have to master the art of managing people.

N C Sridharan



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