[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


27th April 2012

In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork

Wilson Mizner

We all have some hidden talent waiting to be tapped. But we should know where and how to use the talent. Knowing how well to use the talent that we already have is called `tact'. The dictionary meaning of the word `tact' is `sensitivity and skill in dealing with other people'. We may be talented in speaking. But what if we don't know how to use the talent when dealing with other people?


In management science there is a powerful tool called `5W 1H' which represents the first letter of the words Where, When, Why, What, Who and How. We should use this tool to tap into our hidden talent also.

For example,  if a person has talent in chess, he should ask the following questions with reference to his talent:

  • Where am I going to use my talent? On a national level or international level?
  • When am I going to play chess?
  • Why am I playing? To practice or to win a game?
  • What will be my benefits if I play chess?
  • Who are my competitors?
  • How am I going to use my expertise in chess? Do I have a strategy?

We should know how to apply our talent scientifically so that we benefit the most.

N C Sridharan



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